Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

Privacy Policy

Statement of Privacy Practices

We are extremely devoted to safeguarding our clients’ personal information, and we collect just the information necessary to process your order. We never disclose any of your information to anyone outside our organization unless you explicitly authorize us to do so.

Information Gathering

Information is gathered from customers via many means, such as the Contact Us and Order Form forms of communication. All of this information is kept private in compliance with our privacy standards. Our clients’ personal information is never made available to a third party or sold to a third party for any other purpose. In order to get started, we need customers’ names, companies, billing addresses, e-mails and secondary e-mails, phone and fax numbers, order data, and their location of residence. In order for us to start working on your order, we need to know everything in the creative brief. The collection of data also includes sentiments about the product, such as complaints, compliments, and remarks. This includes information like your IP address, browser version, operating system, and the time and date of your visit. This data is also gathered through the use of Google Analytics or a similar service.

Utilization of Collected Data

To begin with, the information we gather enables us to determine precisely what product you want and what specific features you desire, and secondly, billing information is required for the payment process. The email addresses are used to communicate with you about the status of your order, to solicit your comments and thoughts, and to deliver the completed product. Additionally, we may send emails with website updates, special offers, the debut of a new product or service, and industry news. In addition, this data helps us improve our marketing and compile a list of the most popular items.

Payments Are Confidential

To ensure the highest level of payment privacy, we accept a variety of payment methods. As indicated by the “https://” in the domain, SSL is used by the payment processor when clients enter their billing information. As a result, we can say that the payment process and billing information are safe.


Confidentiality is unquestionably important, which is why we never give our clients’ information to anyone else. We use your personal information to stay in touch with you and to facilitate communication during the order process. As a result, all of your information, including your name, billing address, e-mail address, telephone number, and fax number, is treated as confidential and stored in a secure location accessible only to designated members, ensuring that it remains secure and is not at risk of being stolen or hacked. We promise you that your personal information will never be shared with a third party unless you authorize it or we are required to do so by law.


If necessary, we may change our privacy statement to reflect more stringent security concerns. However, all revisions concerning personal information security issues will be announced in advance of the effective date of revised or updated privacy policies.

Conditions for Disclosure of Information

To begin, it is our primary objective to avoid information exposure. However, disclosure of information is permitted only if we are required to do so by national law in connection with a judicial process, court order, or other legal procedure.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or issues about our privacy policies, please contact us using the form on this page.

// Drop us a line! We are here to answer your questions 24/7